CST 370 - Module 1
Week 1, This course is known as "Design and Analysis of Algorithms". As you can guess, this class will cover material about algorithms and how or when to implement them. The first week serves as more of a refresher on what we may have learned over the course of starting our computer science journey. Some of the refreshers include the basic yet fundamental data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, etc. Others include important problem types that can be solved by algorithms. There can be sorting problems which require algorithms to organize items in a given list, which in turn can benefit searching problems which algorithms would be used to find specific items in a list. There are graph problems which can vary depending on the goal. For example, one graph problem would be the traveling salesman problem (TSP) which, in short, requires us to find the shortest possible route through different and interconnected nodes once. There are other problem types, such a...