CST 370 - Module 8
Week 8, This is the final week for the Design and Analysis of Algorithms course. The material covered is only one topic to give us time for our final exam, but still useful. We were introduced to an algorithm that finds the shortest path from a single source called Dijkstra's Algorithm. In short, Dijkstra's algorithm uses the greedy technique to find a shortest route from a source vertex to all the other vertices. For example, when given a graph with weights on each edge between vertices and a starting point we calculate the distances from each adjacent vertex from the starting point. We select the vertex with the smallest edge value, and expand our search to determine what other vertices can be reached, and what is the shortest distance. By the end, we will know the shortest route from the starting node, to all other nodes. What is particularly interesting about this algorithm is it's wide applications. For instance, we can use it to determine GPS navigation which in turn...