CST 370 - Module 7
Week 7 This module's material covers different algorithms for solving problems with graphs, and sorting. For instance, we were introduced to non-comparison sorting such as the Counting Sort or Distribution Counting Sort, where we calculate the frequency of each value of a given list and determine distribution values via the sums of frequencies. What is interesting about Counting Sort is the fact that is stable, or the numbers with the same values stay in the same order as they do in the given list. A technique introduced was Dynamic Programming. One problem about using a brute force technique is that sometimes, we would use a recursive function, which depending on the problem we want to solve, can induce too many overlapped functions. Dynamic Programming will allow us to avoid this by using an array to keep solutions of sub-problems. When the solutions to the sub-problems are recorded in the array, we solve the original problem with that array. The next two algorithms ...