
Showing posts from January, 2024

CST 300 - Module 4

Part 1 - Educational Goals This week's lecture readings in class have to do with setting goals. There are a few different types of goals to consider such as career, financial, family, artistic, attitude, physical, and public service. However, for now let's go over my educational goals. Some things I would particularly like to learn more about are software design and software engineering. I want to be able to create more professional applications to be an important member of any team I may join in the work field. To be more general, I would like to pass all of my classes with a grade higher than a C as I think they all are useful to know, especially for some of the things I want to do in the far future. Part 2 - Career Goals Another type of goal I should talk about is my career goal. Overall, I would like to have enough experience in working with the game development industry. There are a few levels to this goal, one is I would like to work with a company that develops games suc

CST 300 - Module 3

Hello Everyone, Part 1 Last week I mentioned the areas in studying I need to work on such as paying attention to what I am reading, and to stick to a schedule as I often lose focus and prolong assignments. So, after visiting, I took some notes on concentration. Some things I am trying to do differently is to further avoid any distractions and to keep focus on my studies by taking breaks less often but do something that needs to be done other than just daydreaming, such as using the time to eat. Part 2 This week’s class module covered quite a bit of material. The readings covered topics such as the Code of Integrity for CSUMB CS Online, going over the rules of what should and should not be done when submitting any work or assisting/receiving assistance. Code of Ethics, as one may expect, be honest, avoid harm, maintain high standards, be professional, and many more aspects of what it is to be ethical in one’s work. This module puts an emphasis on ethics as it is the ma

CST 300 - Module 2

Part 1 - Review and Reflect Learning Strategy After reading a paper on effective study skills by Dr. Bob Kizlik, I have come to realize there are more aspects of studying than I realized, and I do follow a large amount of them. However, there are also some aspects in which I struggle with that I have noticed, especially recently when it comes to reading. Although, to save your time, I will talk about the top 3 aspects I believe I am good at, and the top 3 I am bad at. One thing I am good at is taking notes. Especially in the digital age we are in, there are many ways to take notes, for me I separate my notes by module and assignment using google docs. Another is getting the main idea in a reading, also allowing me to take notes to reflect on later, instead of re-reading an entire segment of an essay or book. Finally, I feel I am also adept at surveying, to get an idea of what I'm going to study, before I actually study. However, some things I need to work on is to actually read bec

CST 300 Module 1

 Hello,     The first official week had started and brought more assignments with it. Some of the smaller tasks were to establish/personalize our accounts such as LinkedIn, Canvas profile (where the majority of our class is conducted), Blogger, and Google Chat. Besides that, there were some more interesting assignments. One was to learn more about the university we are attending (CSUMB) as well as its staff.     The other "main" assignment was to visit the Open Learning Initiative (OLI). There we were directed to take a pretest to provide a collaborative skill baseline, as well as go over our first lesson. This provided some insight as to what to expect in the first module. For now, we are learning what researchers and employers look for in teamwork as well as how to deal with difficult situations, how to work with a team, etc.      However, the final assignment for the week was more interesting. We started to outline our Industry Analysis paper. For my choice, I decided to f

CST 300 Module 0

 Hello Everyone,      This is my first time using Blogger which I will be using to write about what I will be learning in the CSUMB Computer Science Online program. The first few posts likely will not look good, but I will get used to it.      Before the first term started for the program's students, we were assigned to review and complete module zero for our first class. This consisted of making a schedule to spread out the workload of the upcoming assignments, introduce ourselves to the class, and finally complete a team resume which required our assigned teams to share what our strengths are, we have to offer, as well as just getting to know each other.