CST 300 - Module 4

Part 1 - Educational Goals

This week's lecture readings in class have to do with setting goals. There are a few different types of goals to consider such as career, financial, family, artistic, attitude, physical, and public service. However, for now let's go over my educational goals. Some things I would particularly like to learn more about are software design and software engineering. I want to be able to create more professional applications to be an important member of any team I may join in the work field. To be more general, I would like to pass all of my classes with a grade higher than a C as I think they all are useful to know, especially for some of the things I want to do in the far future.

Part 2 - Career Goals

Another type of goal I should talk about is my career goal. Overall, I would like to have enough experience in working with the game development industry. There are a few levels to this goal, one is I would like to work with a company that develops games such as Epic Games, Bungie, etc. Another would be to make my own indie game as I think it would be a fun hobby that gives me experience to help me join a company and can even act as another source of income.

Part 3 - ETS Computer Science Test

After considering my educational and career goals. I looked into the other material provided in the lecture for the class. This was about the ETS Computer Science test. The test goes over topics such as discrete structures, programming examples, algorithms, systems, software engineering, information management, and some other aspects of computer science. The main portions of tests are based around discrete structure, programming, algorithms, and systems. After taking a practice test without jogging my memory after a year without practicing, I didn’t do so well, getting 8/16 questions correct. However, 18 months from now, I believe I can get a better score of at least 75%, with a goal of getting 90%. The main portions I struggled with were some of the programming/systems questions and I believe if I have been practicing my programming and learning some mechanics of programming in the next 18 months, I would obtain a better grade.

Part 4 - Additional Topics Learned

Besides learning more about ETS and what future goals I should make, I learned a few things about my teammates through OLI. So, finally I got to learn more about them and what we could do to help each other. In addition, to learning about my teammates, the class also discussed what ethical arguments we would make with controversial situations. This time using both an ethical framework, and a type of claim, such as fact, value, policy, definition, and cause. Participating in the discussion also gave me insight to prepare my outline for our upcoming essay on an ethical dilemma of our choosing.


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  2. Hey Brandon!
    Great goals to consider educationally and career-wise! I feel like educationally we are in the same boat, as I'd like to maintain a good GPA and pass all of the classes, furthering development and design skills along the way. I know so long as we stay on track, and stay in communication as a team it will solidify our support system and aid in staying the course throughout these two years. One other thing is I do know, our required curriculum doesn't have as many game development courses, I wonder have you come across any supplemental courses? I remember when I was learning autocad, I used a site called pluralsight to learn, and had noticed they also have a giant library for game development.


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