
Showing posts from March, 2024

CST 338 - Module 4

 This week in CST 338, there were few assignments to complete. This time we got to get our hands on Android Studio, where we created very simple app where android users can convert temperature °c to temperature °f, or vice versa. We also got to complete our first project, where we practiced inheritance using an abstract class, and concrete classes. However, besides that, we were also allowed to go back to our previous assignment, Markov, and have our teammates review each other's code. I worked with my teammate Ryan Matsuo  and after reviewing his code, I learned a few things that could help me in the future, like splitting a string using str.split() with a regex of "\\s+" instead of what I did which was more complicated. My strategy with solving the Markov assignment was that I started writing the code right away. I didn't put anything to practice into paper because I feel I can do the same thing in the code. I would read the prompt, create stubs for the methods to b

CST338 - Module 3

     This week has us start on our first project which would be the first time we get our hands wet with using abstract classes and concrete classes. However, that is still in the works. Additionally, we were tasked with creating a program called Markov, but I will likely talk about that in next week's post.       However, what I will talk about is more on our previous homework assignment called Jotto. This week we were allowed to review our classmates' solutions to their Jotto code. I reviewed two of my teammates' work (Ryan and Maria), and two of my other teammates reviewed my work, (Meagan and Chris). Overall, it seems there is nothing wrong functionally with the code (as in it doesn't break). However, I could do better by not repeating code in different areas and assigning hard to read values to an easy-to-read value to be clearer about what I'm trying to accomplish. I can also be a bit clearer with my commenting because currently, I may have oversimplified each

CST 338 - Module 1/2

 CST 338 - Software Design      Starting off with the new course was not as strong as I hoped due to my performance. Aside from module 0 which had us go over the class syllabus and getting comfortable with the IntelliJ IDE, module 1 got us to refamiliarize ourselves with the basics of programming (Java). In addition, we learned how to understand and use UML diagrams as well as Junit (allows us to test our programming to see if it works properly).       To put this into practice, we were assigned a larger homework assignment. We were tasked with creating a guessing game called Jotto, where one guesses which word from a given list was chosen for the player to guess. Along with an option to see what words are included in a list, and to change that list with words that the user had already guessed. To see what guesses the user has already made. Finally, to see what words the program has chosen for the player to guess. This proved to be challenging (personally) because I have been busy, con