CST 338 - Module 1/2

 CST 338 - Software Design

    Starting off with the new course was not as strong as I hoped due to my performance. Aside from module 0 which had us go over the class syllabus and getting comfortable with the IntelliJ IDE, module 1 got us to refamiliarize ourselves with the basics of programming (Java). In addition, we learned how to understand and use UML diagrams as well as Junit (allows us to test our programming to see if it works properly). 

    To put this into practice, we were assigned a larger homework assignment. We were tasked with creating a guessing game called Jotto, where one guesses which word from a given list was chosen for the player to guess. Along with an option to see what words are included in a list, and to change that list with words that the user had already guessed. To see what guesses the user has already made. Finally, to see what words the program has chosen for the player to guess. This proved to be challenging (personally) because I have been busy, constantly taking me out of focus from the assignment, causing major hiccups along the way. However, once I was able to stay on track I made a lot of progress.

    The first time I ran the Junit tests given by the teacher, most of the tests had passed. This was pleasing. However, the ones that did not pass proved to take a while to fix. Some for small reasons I couldn't figure out immediately. For instance, the method getLetterCount() (responsible for taking a players guess and comparing it to the program chosen word) failed when testing for the word "GRAPE". Normally, a player's input is trimmed of whitespace and made completely lowercase for simplicity BEFORE the method is called. Thus, the method wasn't required to repeat the process again while the game itself was running. However, when calling the method outside of the game, and directly inputting a word in ALL CAPS, it would then be required to trim and make the word lowercase within the method.

    Overall, this week's module took me a while to finish, but I feel that was because I was learning Java for the first time, getting comfortable with the IDE I had never used, and using git/github (again, I had never used it). But now that I have experienced these new programs, I feel my performance will only get more efficient.


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