CST 336 - Module 5 - 6

 Week 5 - 6,

This week’s material covered the use of connecting to MySQL from the Express app mentioned last week.

The material served as a small refresher on how to use MySQL and write its queries, however what is new shows how to implement it in the context of web applications. This is important to use because it allows users to have their own accounts with the web application. For example, you can create an account with Amazon to keep track of your purchases and to save your info to make purchasing more streamlined. Or if you want to make a web game, you can create an account to save your scores.

In this week’s lab’s we implemented an application that allows the user to find quotes based on the author’s name, number of likes, etc. Additionally, an admin can add, update, or delete quotes themselves. 

Aside from the typical labs and homework, we also got started on our group projects. More on that in the coming weeks.


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