CST 300 - Module 7

 Part 1 - Final Video Project Planning

This week’s module had a mixture of short assignments, as well as large assignments. For example, we were to review two of our team members' cover letters and resumes and complete this week’s learning journal. However, there are two large assignments, one to write the final draft of our ethics argument paper, and to continue our final video project with our team members.

So far, with the final video project, we are taking great measures to make the best video possible with each member being included. We made a decision in this week’s team meeting on how we would organize our presentation, and how to review it in our upcoming meeting that will be taking place sooner. As with all our team projects, we are sharing our work with each other on discord and sharing it on google drive as well. The process seems smooth at the moment, but one thing I would do differently next time is to start talking about the project sooner, especially for the members who have less time than me.

Part 2 - Lecture Readings and Videos

This week’s lecture readings and videos covered topics on avoiding the mistakes of making a PowerPoint, and the rubric for our final video presentation. The use of PowerPoints has been growing exponentially as time progresses, and in a comedic fashion with his Ted Talk, Don McMillan goes over some aspects to avoid, or to use with the presenter’s dialogue. Overall, this is useful information we can use to our own advantage, though we may take a different approach when using visual aids. On a related note, I watched two more Ted Talks. One was about whether technology can solve large problems, by Jason Pontin, and the other about how video games can potentially help build better cities, by Karolina Korppoo.

Jason talks about how we used to try to cross large hurdles in advancement like landing on the moon, but now we have not seen many successful attempts to accomplish similar feats for various reasons. One being political and one being commercial. Sometimes, a problem cannot be solved by technology.

Karolina talks about her own game in which the players create their own cities. One example shows a player's city which was created to combine elements of the Netherlands and resemble it in a new fashion. There is a lot to consider, such as how accessible it is to reach certain places. Shown in a later video of someone’s city, was an example of planning the location and accessibility using a hospital. The point of this is to show that games can be used for a large number of positive effects. Not only in just mental health as stated in other Ted Talks, but also in large scale projects that cost a lot of money and cannot be undone.


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