CST 334 - Module 8

 Week 8,

This final week served as a recap for all the things we learned in the second half of the course. With both concurrency and persistence. However, I would like to continue to talk about persistence as it was a very dense topic. Last week, I had briefly talked about some of the things that were covered in the material, but not why they were important. As everyone knows, hard drives or solid-state drives are important. They hold data for our applications, photos, videos, etc. It is common for people to view it simply as storage, which it is to be fair, but really it should be viewed as a way for the computer to remember things after it is shut down, or a process finishes a task. We want data to persist. When the computer shuts down, it forgets a lot of data, including the OS. When the computer turns on again, it grabs the OS from the hard drive and loads it in the main memory. The hard drive's control block contains information about how data is stored on it, which allows the OS to see or virtualize the memory using a file system, which also allows the OS to tell the hard drive where data should be written or read from. The OS and hard drive work with each other this way to function in the first place and keep your precious photos. See how operating systems have a connection to persistence.

Now, a lot of what is considered for persistence delves deep into the costs of speed and capacity. For instance, if we are talking about RAIDs (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) we talk about which version is best for the user, RAID 1 uses mirroring disks, so with a hard drive that has 4 disks, out of two pairs, each pair would contain data of one disk. So essentially you have the capacity of 2 disks. The positive to this however is the fact that if one disk fails, data PERSISTS because there is still a functioning disk with the same data. Additionally, you would only have to read one disk that contains the data you are looking for, but a downside is that every write requires and additional write, as both disks in a pair needs to be the same. So, this RAID variant is focused more on persistence rather than capacity but does well when reading. If the user does not need much storage, then this is the perfect type of RAID. Without delving deep into the different types of RAIDs, the main point I want to make is that there are different ways to ensure data persists as much as possible, each with their own tradeoffs regarding speed, capacity, and level of persistence. Though all are trying to achieve some level of persistence.


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