CST 311 - Module 6

 Week 6,

This week's material covered quite a bit of material in the network layer's control plane. This involves how routing is handled. Without it, you wouldn't be able to communicate with hosts outside your local network and without its different algorithms, the speed at which your messages travel would be significantly shorter. To summarize, there are two approaches to structuring the network control plane, using per-router control and logically centralized control. 

Logically centralized control use link state algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm to compute the least cost paths from one node to all other nodes. The net topology and link costs are known to all nodes so they can determine which is the fastest way for data to be sent from one node to another. On the other hand, per-router control the distance vector algorithm where each node only knows the distance to its directly connected neighbor and sends a list to its neighbors with the current distances to all nodes.

Another important topic is the Autonomous Systems (AS). Essentially, the purpose of the AS is to aggregate routers into regions/domains. The two types of AS routing are Intra-AS routing and Inter-AS routing. Intra-AS routing involves routing among hosts and routers in the same AS and uses the OSPF protocol. Inter-AS routing involves routing among ASs in general and uses the BGP protocol.

The last main topic I would like to talk about is Software Defined Networking (SDN). Normally, routers used to switch hardware and proprietary implementations of internet standard protocols. However, this leaves no control over how routers can switch based on preferences. For instance, maybe a company doesn't pay its premiums to use another company's routing system, so exclude them. Without an SDN approach, you wouldn't be able to implement such a feature. This is where a logically centralized control plane comes to play. It makes programming easier as you only have to compute the tables centrally and distribute the table among the routers.

As always there is more to talk about, but this is starting to get too long for just a summary. I recommend reading from the textbook we use. "Computer Networking" by James F. Kurose: Keith Ross.


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